Class EntityBeanDescriptor

  extended byorg.mockejb.BasicEjbDescriptor
      extended byorg.mockejb.EntityBeanDescriptor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EntityBeanDescriptor
extends BasicEjbDescriptor

Contains entity bean-specific data used for EJB deployment. Currently only has isCMP flag.

Alexander Ananiev
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
EntityBeanDescriptor(java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class homeClass, java.lang.Class ifaceClass, java.lang.Class beanClass)
          Creates a new instance of the descriptor.
Method Summary
 boolean isCMP()
          Returns true if this descriptor is for CMP entity bean, i.e., abstract bean class was passed to the constructor
Methods inherited from class org.mockejb.BasicEjbDescriptor
getBean, getBeanClass, getHomeClass, getIfaceClass, getJndiName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EntityBeanDescriptor(java.lang.String jndiName,
                            java.lang.Class homeClass,
                            java.lang.Class ifaceClass,
                            java.lang.Class beanClass)
Creates a new instance of the descriptor.

jndiName - jndiName to bind Home to
homeClass - class of the home interface
ifaceClass - class of the business interface, remote or local
beanClass - class of the implementation class, can be the abstract class in case of CMP
Method Detail


public boolean isCMP()
Returns true if this descriptor is for CMP entity bean, i.e., abstract bean class was passed to the constructor

true if CMP, false if BMP