Interface Pointcut

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassPatternPointcut, ClassPointcut, MethodPatternPointcut, PointcutPair

public interface Pointcut

Represents the AOP "pointcut" abstraction. Note that AspectSystem matches pointcuts only against intercepted methods. For example, "find" method of an Entity interface triggers the call to the ejbFind method of the entity bean implementation class. Using pointcuts, you can only match the "find" method and the business interface but not the target method/object being called in response to the interface call.

Alexander Ananiev

Method Summary
 boolean matchesJointpoint(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Tests if the provided jointpoint represented by the intercepted object (object being called) and the method matches this pointcut.

Method Detail


public boolean matchesJointpoint(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
Tests if the provided jointpoint represented by the intercepted object (object being called) and the method matches this pointcut. In other words, tests if the interceptor associated with this pointcut needs to be applied to the provided jointpoint.

method - method being invoked
true if the target object or method match the condition specified in this pointcut