Class Summary |
AspectSystemFactory |
Loads the class implementing AspectSystem and returns the object of this class
to the client. |
AspectSystemImpl |
Provides the implementation of the AspectSystem by adding aspects to the
list and providing access to this list. |
ClassPatternPointcut |
Tests if the class name of the provided method matches the regexp. |
ClassPointcut |
Tests if the given class matches the class
provided to the constructor of ClassPointcut. |
InterceptableProxy |
Creates dynamic proxy and acts as an InvocationHandler for
this proxy. |
InterceptorInvoker |
Requests the interceptors from the AspectSystem and
initiates the call to the interceptor chain. |
InterceptorInvoker.CglibMethodInvoker |
Calls the object's method using Cglib. |
InvocationContext |
Performs the invocation of interceptors in their order in the
interceptor list. |
InvocationRecorder |
Stores the information about all calls to the target object
in the list. |
MethodPatternPointcut |
Tests if the string representation of the given method
matches the regexp. |
PointcutPair |
Provides a way to create conditional expressions from pointcuts. |